[ American Advertising Federation District 7 ]
Engage Update from Amanda Dehart – 1
Dear AAF Engage Club Administrators,
Thank you for agreeing to be the administrator for your club! You have now been given full access to AAF Engage.
To access your account on AAF Engage, please click here to log in. If you do not know your username and password, please use the ‘Find My AAF Account’ feature at the bottom of the page to help you access your account.
To help you better understand AAF Engage and its features, we have linked training videos below. Please watch these videos, as they will answer many of your questions and help you begin to make changes to your club’s profile and update your Membership List. This will make the administration of your roster much easier and you will no longer be required to send AAF your club roster. The videos can be found linked below, as well as on our YouTube page.
2. Club Membership Detail List
4. Add to Club Membership (part 2)
6. AAF Engage Access Your Club
To further help you understand your role as a club administrator and AAF Engage; we have created an admin community forum where you can post questions and access AAF Engage resources. You can also access this community under your ‘Participation’ tab on your profile. If you do not have access, please respond to this email to let know, and we will add you.
We hope you find these training videos helpful, but should you have any additional questions, please email Amanda Dehart at adehart@aaf.org.
Many thanks,
AAF Club Services
Amanda Dehart
American Advertising Federation
Coordinator, Club Services
1101 Vermont Ave NW, Suite 500
Washington D.C., 20005