The Bolton-MacVicar-Malone Award pays tribute to D7 members who dedicate their time and effort to help advertising students at schools in their area.

eligibility requirements

D7 members who dedicate their time and effort to help advertising students at schools. Special consideration is given for a person’s effort to help student teams participate in the NSAC competition. It should be noted that following the general intentions of the award sponsors, nominees should be advertising professionals who give of their time rather than educators who work with students as part of their duties.

nomination deadline:
March 14, 2025 at 5pm CST

Applications must include a letter of nomination with your name + email


1997 Charlie Malone

1998 Connie Hendrix

1999 Rick Wemmers

2000 A.J. Busé

2001 Ken Sossamon

2002 Angela Bailey Henderson

2003 Trudi Snodgrass

2004 Jim Lamoreaux

2005 Alana Stephenson

2006 Mary Skinner

2007 Joel A. Mask

2008 Gerald Bower

2009 Amber Goodwin

2010 Dr. Bruce Roche

2011 Trudi Mullins

2012 Stephanie Ferguson

2013 Karen Johnson

2015 Susie Norris

2018 Karen Johnson

2019 Jennifer Cooley 

2021 Andrea Wiley

2023 Jason Feirman

2024 Tom Patterson